What draws players to MMOGs, and what makes them willing to go through such a rigorous learning process? Can we see situated learning in other parts of life? Will situated learning be applicable to other digital environments, and if so how soon might we see that?
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When we seek news we are ultimately seeking the truth, the unbiased unabridged story. However that is not always what we get as stories pass through the gates of the media who disperse news to the masses. In light of that situation, citizen journalism has adapted and filled in some of the cracks that traditional […]
ViewHow will citizen journalists change professional journalism in the future? Will the freedom of citizen journalism persuade media professionals to filter content less? Will this cause major news outlets to change the way they report the news? Will citizen journalists begin to coexist with professional journalists? Will audiences begin to prescribe to different news outlets […]
ViewSocial media is erupting in all age groups, and we are slowly discovering how to operate within its realm. Facebook currently has over 800 million users (facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics) and when Boyd wrote her article there were only 500 million users. These users have the ability to shape and customize their social media experience. Some users may […]
ViewPrior to reading Lessig’s writings I was unaware of the all encompassing nature of internet regulation. I did not know that there was so much turmoil to do with internet regulation and free sharing. It is impossible for me to believe that people will stand by while bits and pieces of our internet freedoms are […]